Joining the war on waste with the rWrP campaign

18th August 2016

We’ve become an ambassador for The right Waste, right Place (rWrP) campaign to raise awareness of Duty of Care legislation around waste management.

rWrP provides practical information to help businesses from a broad range of sectors to comply with legislation and help keep waste out of the hands of waste criminals. As an ambassador, we will now take up the mantle of raising awareness with our suppliers too.

To qualify as an ambassador, we proved we embrace the principles of rWrP and have an internal programme and policy on waste management. We’ve also demonstrated a commitment to promoting best practice with regard to waste management and to actively engage with rWrP to promote the campaign.

Sam Corp, head of regulation at the Environmental Services Association (ESA), said: “The number of organisations actively involved with the right Waste, right Place campaign, representing a broad range of sectors, shows just how serious an issue Duty of Care waste compliance is. Therefore, I am delighted to announce Redrow as a Campaign Ambassador and champion of the cause of raising awareness of the programme.”

Rob MacDiarmid, Group sustainability director, said: “We’re proud to be actively supporting this campaign in an ambassador role. Managing construction waste is a huge investment for Redrow, running into the millions of pounds each year.

“We are currently developing a new blueprint for reducing waste on site. This will not only strengthen our reputation as a responsible builder but also help us to become a more efficient business. A trial project is underway in our South East division to introduce a selection of new procedures and site controls. Our aim is to develop a culture of resource efficiency and waste prevention that we can then roll out across all 13 divisions within the company.”

The website offers practical advice on how to manage waste safely and efficiently.