Redrow encourages the reuse of wood in line with Circular Economy Principles

12th March 2019

Redrow Homes have been working with The Community Wood Recycling Scheme to increase the reuse of waste wood. The rise of the circular economy (where resources flow continuously and safely) has encouraged Redrow sites across the country to adopt a culture of reuse. 

The Community Wood Recycling Scheme is a network that provides an efficient collection service for excess wood, with the aim of saving resources by reusing and recycling waste timber. The Community Wood Recycling Scheme also operates as a Social Enterprise, by creating jobs and volunteering options for disadvantaged people.

Redrow has been participating in the scheme successfully since 2016 and has made a positive contribution socially and environmentally. So far, over 1,460 tonnes of waste has been collected from our sites and 68% of this has been reused and the rest has been recycled; therefore rescued from the waste stream. 

A detailed breakdown of rescued waste and timber is shown in the chart below:



High grade reuse material has been used by communities for DIY or building projects, or made into a range of products such as bird boxes or dining tables. Furthermore, low grade reuse wood has been processed into firewood and kindling, helping to displace fossil fuels and reduce carbon emissions. Remaining waste wood has been recycled into woodchip (used in the manufacture of particleboard and animal bedding) or used as carbon-neutral fuel in power stations.

Redrow’s collaboration with the Community Wood Recycling scheme ties in well with the company’s overall waste and resource efficiency strategy, and approach towards Building Responsibly. As we continue to help deliver new homes for our community, we also aim to protect the environment. In 2018, more than 97% of waste was diverted from landfill, and we are striving to continuously improve this figure.