Redrow's Head office goes green for eco-day

6th July 2015

In a bid to reduce their carbon footprint, employees at our head office have taken part in a ‘green day’, swapping their cars for alternative methods of transport and learning how to drive more economically in an eco-driving simulator.  In total, 765 car-miles were saved by employees opting to car-share, cycle, run, walk or use public transport to get to work.  Everyone who took part was rewarded with a well-deserved breakfast sandwich upon arrival!

NW technical director Paul Sinclair was awarded the prize for ‘most impressive commute’ winning a Fair Trade hamper after cycling and using the train to travel 84 miles to the Ewloe office from Wigan and back, while Group sales and marketing director Dave Bexon cycled the 60 mile round trip to and from his home in Nantwich.  Colleagues also competed to find the most ‘fuel efficient’ drivers using a driver training simulator, with Laura Wood from Group Marketing achieving the best individual score.

Staff also took part in bumblebee walks around the grounds of our head office at St David’s Park, Ewloe to learn more about Redrow’s partnership with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust (BBCT). Sinead Lynch, a conservation officer from the BBCT led the walks, teaching employees about the pollinator friendly habitats we have planted and their important role in attempting to reverse the dramatic decline of many British bumblebee species. Find out more about our partnership with BBCT on our Partnership Pages. Lots of other activities were running throughout the day, with raffles, an eco-themed cake sale and ‘best green dressed’ competition, all raising money for our chosen charities for the year - Hope House Children’s Hospice and D.A.F.F.O.D.I.L.S.

“It was a fantastic day to raise awareness of the simple steps we can all take to reduce our carbon footprint and help the environment. Organised by our St David’s Park ‘Green Team’, our aim was to get as many people involved as possible. Every member of staff arrived to a pack of wildflower seeds and Fairtrade Green Tea on their desk and everyone who left their car at home for the day was entered into a raffle to win a prize donated by one of our generous suppliers.” Nicola Owen, Redrow’s sustainability manager