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Our commitments

We develop and monitor key objectives across our activities to continually drive improvements in social, environmental and economic performance.

Our aims

To create long term sustainable value for all our stakeholders by developing thriving communities with high quality homes that provide a better way to live.

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Safe & considerate construction

We are working to become incident and injury free.

Customers & quality

We aim to deliver 90%+ customer satisfaction rating and are implementing a certified quality management system.


We intend to further reduce carbon, waste and water use from our activities, locally source 90% of our products and ensure 100% of our timber is responsibly procured.

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We plan to enhance community engagement and follow robust placemaking principles when designing new developments.

Nature for people

We are working to achieve verified increases in biodiversity across our developments.

Wellbeing & legacy

We will evaluate health and wellbeing outcomes for people on and near our developments and measure the value to people of the community infrastructure we deliver.

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People development

We intend to ensure 15% of our workforce are trainees and 80% of in-house courses are accredited as well as developing plans for enhanced supply chain engagement.


We are working to develop an employee health and wellbeing strategy.

Encouraging young people into construction

We are collaborating with education partners to develop new programmes, including a focus on engaging hard-to-reach parts of the community.

Charity & community

We plan to implement structured charitable giving, community activities and employee volunteering opportunities.

We are committed to our strategic themes - building responsibly, thriving communities & valuing people. Find out how we are performing against our targets below.


AchievedAchieved On trackOn track No dataNo data Off trackOff track

Building responsibly

Working safely and considerately

Objectives Targets Progress Narrative

Committed to creating healthy, safe and considerate working environments

Continuous improvement in our overall HS&E performance through a 10% year-on-year reduction target (AIR)

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The target has been updated this year to bring it in line with the recognised industry benchmarking of Annual Injury Incidence Rate (AIIR). This helps to continue to ensure that safety remains a permanent and integrated priority for the business and supports our commitment to improve HS&E performance across the Group.

For the third consecutive year the reduction target was achieved. In FY22 the AIIR was reduced from 441 to 365 = 17% reduction.

2018 - 773 AIR

2019 - 790 AIR

2020 - 666 AIR

2021 - 441 AIR

2022 - 365 AIR

Over 12 months every Division to achieve an average internal HS&E Assurance Inspection (AI) benchmark rate of 87% of the total score for all sites inspected in that period (on going)

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HS&E Assurance Inspections are carried out across all divisions by our HS&E Department, to ensure, and monitor compliance with our internal site standards. We are pleased to report that 10 out of our 13 divisions achieved the FY21 85% benchmark with 4 achieving an overall rating of 90% or more. For those divisions which have not achieved the benchmark we have put in place a Divisional Improvement Plan which identifies areas of improvement and actions needed. These are led and managed by each division’s Managing Director.

This year (FY23) the target has been increased from 85% to 87% as part of our on going commitment of ensuring the continuous improvement of our overall HS&E performance across the Group.

2022 - 10 out of 13 Divisions achieved HS&E AI Benchmark

Work towards registering all sites to the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) by 2020

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100% of sites that were operational during the year were registered and we will continue to monitor weekly.

2018 - 53

2019 - 57

2020 - 83

2021 - 100

2022 - 100

Achieve a minimum CCS score of 38/50 on all sites in FY22 (on going) (as set FY 22). From FY23 achieve a minimum of 33 out of 45 on all sites

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The CCS overhauled its code during the year. From January 2022, the focus areas have become:

  • Respect the community
  • Care for the environment
  • Value their workforce

The scoring system has also changed. Previously, each of the five elements was scored out of nine, with a further five points available for innovation, to give a total possible mark of 50. Now the three elements are each scored out of 15, to give a total of 45, with the maximum five innovation points awarded as part of a monthly system.

We have kept our CCS target at 38 out of 50 for FY22, as we’ve been monitoring the innovation scores each month. Our actual score was 38.43, based on 207 monitoring visits. For FY23, we have changed our target to 33 out of 45, for ease of reporting. We’ve also added the CCS target to next year’s bonus scheme for construction, with a monetary payment for winning a CCS award, after the awards restarted this year.

2018 - 35.96

2019 - 35.05

2020 - 35.09

2021 - 36.7

2022 - 38.43

Putting our customers first

Objectives Targets Progress Narrative

Service excellence
Put customers first, continually striving for service excellence in all that we do

Consistently deliver a 94%+ customer satisfaction; recommend to a friend (on going) (as set FY22)

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We are pleased to report our current customer satisfaction score is 94.5% which positively builds on our upward drive for providing high quality services and the best experiences for our customers.

2018 - 89.1

2019 - 90.9

2020 - 91.9

2021 - 92.6

2022 - 94.5

Managing our resources efficiently

Objectives Targets Progress Narrative

Responsible sourcing
Responsibly source all goods and services; working with our supply chain to deliver long-term benefit

90% products, services and labour procured locally (on going)

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In FY22 we continue to procure 93% of products, services and labour locally. In general, it is the specialist trades such as remediation contractors that are not within the areas local to our divisions.

2018 - 92

2019 - 93

2020 - 93

2021 - 93

2022 - 93

Top 70% of the supply chain (based on spend) to be using the Supply Chain Sustainability School (on going)

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58% of our top-tier suppliers are engaged with SCSS. This has increased by 25% from the previous year. In light of the pandemic and Brexit, coupled with increased build activity meeting this target has become extremely challenging for all members of our supply chain and is indicative of the wider industry. In light of this we have amended our target to 70% as a step toward the progress we have made. We remain committed to continuing to work with the Supply Chain Sustainability School to encourage our supply chain to actively participate

As part of our improvement plan, we have moved our focus to where we believe we can generate the most value – by working with our national suppliers.

Focus this year has been on:
  • ensuring availability and supply of materials; - additional campaigns targeting groundworks. Improving the information on responsible sourcing and
  • supply chain engagement to promote our focus on net zero carbon and climate change through the issue of an updated sustainability questionnaire.

2018 - n/d

2019 - 33.00

2020 - 33.00

2021 - 33.00

2022 - 58.00

100% of timber responsibly procured (on going)

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The FY22 figure covers only timber certified to FSC or PEFC. Prior to FY20, our timber was verified as part of the WWF network for responsible timber and included legal timber. Thereafter, data is verified through SGS. We continue to use the same processes and principals established.

2018 - 99.90

2019 - 99.92

2020 - 99.90

2021 - 99.64

2022 - 99.9

Quality and productivity
Continually develop our construction practices to improve productivity and achieve high standards of quality

Drive on continual improvement through the use of a certified quality management system across Redrow. Target CQR Group average of 82% and a Target CQR / 6 Review score of 4.5

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We monitor our build quality at key build stages through the NHBC Construction Quality Reviews scores (CQRs). We use the scores provided to measure quality across our divisions and the group target was 75%. From 1st March 2021 this was increased to achieve a minimum of 80% to drive our ambition for quality. The percentage score calculates how many of the build stages inspected scored a 4, 5 or a 6 (out of 6). FY22 ended on a group average of 84%. To continue to drive improvement we are increasing the target to 82% for FY23.

2018 - 70

2019 - 75

2020 - 80.3

2021 - 85

2022 - 84

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To align ourselves with the rest of the sector, and to enable comparability, from FY21 we have been reporting our CQR /6 review score. This year our average score is 4.44 out of 6.

2020 - 4.13

2021 - 4.36

2022 - 4.44

Evaluate, and where considered viable, adopt modern methods of construction which can improve quality and productivity (on going)

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We are exploring a number of offsite pre-manufactured components / systems:

  • Two – storey high bay window trial conducted. Further trials to be undertaken to fully understand impact and opportunities whilst also testing durability, weathering and storage issues. Building within a factory would allow us to achieve a quality of detailing – less defects and improve quality assurance.
  • Render and boarding panels made out GRP offer a replacement to standard timber and render for the exterior of our homes. Saving time and cost related to labour and adaptation of scaffolding, during the build programme.
  • We are exploring an opportunity to trial Smart Roofing by Ultrapanel. The trial will include a costing and quality assurance exercise. We are currently waiting for a site allocation.
  • A Working Party is assessing the benefits of adopting a framing system –both timber and steel, with a view to increasing the proportion of homes utilising this approach.
  • Trials are underway for a Smart Home Energy Management system and an Air Source Heat Pump.

Environmental impact
Continually reduce: energy, water consumption, carbon emissions and waste, to become environmentally net-positive

Reduce the carbon intensity of our construction operations and offices by 10% by 2022. *2017 baseline*

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Since 2017, our greenhouse gas emissions have been decreasing. In FY22 we decreased our tonnes of CO2e/100m2 of build to 2.16. This has resulted in an overall reduction of our carbon intensity in our operations and offices by 13.6% from the *2017 baseline* ensuring we have bettered our target by 3.6%.

The reason for the decrease is the result of year on year focussed activities and improvements made to data collection accuracy. More detailed data allows us to evaluate and understand our operational outputs and behaviours better.

2018 - 2.48

2019 - 2.42

2020 - 3.01

2021 - 2.84

2022 - 2.16

Reduce the absolute GHG emissions of construction operations and offices (Scope 1&2 market based) by 42% by FY2030 (using a 2021 baseline)

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Calculated as tC02e

Reduce the absolute GHG emissions from our value chain (Scope 3) by 25% by FY2030 (using a 2021 baseline)

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Calculated as tC02e

Purchase 100% REGO-backed renewable electricity for all operations (offices and construction sites) by the end of FY24

Reduce the water intensity of our construction operations and offices by 5% by 2022. *2017 baseline*

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This year (FY22) we are pleased to report water use on our sites and offices decreased by 19.7% from the previous year where we had seen a jump in water due to improvements in data collection. This demonstrates how the use of higher-quality data allows us to manage and measure our consumption more effectively. Disappointingly these recent improvements to data collection means, from the baseline year 2017 this has resulted in an overall increase of 8.2% rather than the targeted 5% reduction. However, we are pleased to demonstrate that we are seeing decreasing water consumption across our operations.

Looking forward the business will be focussing on how we can improve water efficiency in the homes of our customers without losing the quality of experience.

2018 - 17.5

2019 - 12.5

2020 - 18.50

2021 - 33.0

2022 - 26.5

Reduce construction waste intensity by 10% by the end of FY22 *2017 baseline*

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By the end of FY22 we achieved a 25% decrease in the amount of waste we generate per 100m2 of build since 2017, exceeding the 10% target we’d set for this period.

2018 - 10.6

2019 - 10.2

2020 - 9.0

2021 - 8.1

2022 - 7.9

Reduce construction waste intensity by 10% by the end of FY25 *2021 baseline*

Through a working group, explore and evaluate opportunities to improve buildability and design-out-waste. During the coming year (FY23), aim to implement a minimum of three solutions, focussed in the areas which would deliver the greatest reductions in the amount of material wasted or those materials with the highest cost.

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During FY22, the working group has implemented the following improvements:

  • Removal of the understairs cupboard in the Oxford
  • Remove sloping ceilings where possible
  • Review of wardrobe nibs so that unnecessary ones are removed but do not affect the VAT for the customer
  • Remove the stud wall on the side of the Amberley shower and make addition of a glazed screen

These improvements will increase the ease of build whilst reducing waste on site. We are aiming to implement another 3 solutions in FY23 and have a comprehensive 6 and 12-month plan to achieve this

Thriving communities

Creating better places to live

Objectives Targets Progress Narrative

Community Collaboration in Design
Having established our placemaking hub we now want to focus on supporting a commitment within our teams to working collaboratively with existing communities in shaping development proposals

We will establish a resource of best practice examples of community collaboration in design that we have achieved on Redrow developments (end of FY22). We will establish a programme of training for our teams on collaborative design techniques including e-learning and workshops and roll this out across the company (end of FY23).

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We have designed a new central hub to host all community consultation initiatives, best practice case studies and tools for colleagues to use. This will be launched in FY23. We will pilot the use of a digital community consultation platform in FY23 to assess its potential for wider use in capturing the views of the ‘silent majority’. We are on track to deliver training on collaborative design techniques and the use of other consultation tools in the next financial year too.

Learning from Lifestyles
Ensure we continue to provide the types of places our customers want to live

Create a process to survey residents on completed and established Redrow developments to understand how our approach to placemaking may need to be refined to ensure we meet our customers' needs and expectations. We will develop a questionnaire survey of customer views and experiences of living in a Redrow community and run this on two initial pilot case studies (end of FY 22)

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We have selected a digital platform to use in this work and have held discussions with other potential partners to ensure that the research is as robust as possible. We will be running pilot projects using the platform in FY23.

Enhance local areas by building desirable homes, creating attractive streets and high quality landscaping

We will commence a rolling programme of reviewing developments as they are completed and give each a final Redrow 8 score. By the end of FY22 we will have reviewed and scored at least 5 recently completed Redrow developments

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A process for the auditing of completed developments has been agreed and is now in place. A placemaking audit and final Redrow 8 assessment will be carried out for every Redrow development as it is completed.

Nature for people
Help people connect with nature on their doorstep

Achieve verified increases in biodiversity across our developments (by 2022)

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We continue to increase the number of developments achieving a biodiversity net gain (BNG) (as measured at design-stage) and all new land purchases from April 2022 are now measuring BNG.

Demonstrate a minimum 10% net gain for biodiversity on every new planning application by November 2023. our aim is to prioritise delivery of these gains on site to bring nature onto our developments and benefit local people 1

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A key commitment of our Nature for People Strategy is to see net gains for biodiversity on our developments. We have been preparing the business to deliver this commitment with bespoke procedures and tools that deliver on improving biodiversity on sites and enhance our placemaking offer. The introduction of a target will help build on this momentum and enable the business to start measuring biodiversity outcomes across all new developments.

[1] We know that on-site gains of 10% using the Defra metric 3.1 will not always be possible due to site constraints and other requirements, and that a well-considered offsetting strategy can deliver important biodiversity objectives.  We are currently learning from our experience of BNG across a number of different development types and local authorities, which will inform our future approach.

Valuing people

Valuing and developing our people and partners

Objectives Targets Progress Narrative

Training and development
Train and develop people to succeed

Invest in at least 3 training days annually per employee.

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Following the pandemic our overall figures have increased during FY22. We have continued to use the blended approach of online facilitation together with face-to-face training. The online courses due to their nature are typically shorter in duration than face to face sessions. This would explain the reduction from 2019 when most courses were held on a face-to-face basis. We do however expect our figure to increase in 2023 due to our increasing number of qualification led training.

2018 - 2.9

2019 - 3.1

2020 - 2.5

2021 - 1

2022 - 2.2

15% of Redrow’s team are trainees: going forward, the aim is to maintain these levels year-on-year.

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15.0% of our workforce are trainees. We have continued to support and invest in trainees and bring new entrants to the housebuilding sector to ensure we invest in skills for the future and have a sustainable business.

2018 - 13%

2019 - 15%

2020 - 16%

2021 - 14.5%

2022 - 15%

Colleague Engagement.
Drive Redrow colleague Engagement.

Maintain over 90% of colleagues being proud to work for Redrow, as measured by an independent third party

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We are delighted to have increased our high score of 93% to 94% in 2022. We continue to work hard to improve communication with our employees including the introduction of an all-staff conference for the first time.

2018 - 95%

2019 - 94%

2020 - 93%

2021 - 93%

2022 - 94%

Work with our Employee Engagement Groups to develop a strategy to improve engagement across the wider workforce.

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Working with our colleagues throughout the business and reflecting on results from the annual employee survey, we will implement changes to improve employee engagement. A recent example of this is a change to our benefits package to increase annual holiday entitlement.

Wellbeing and inclusiveness
Improve the wellbeing of Redrow's people and creating an inclusive workplace

Provide support to colleagues and partners to support our health and wellbeing strategy.

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We have a comprehensive health and wellbeing plan in place for both colleagues and partners. Throughout the year we continue to provide support via monthly health and wellbeing newsletters as well as holding a portfolio of webinars with our external partners. Topics covered range from support on mental health, financial wellbeing and women’s & men’s health We will continue to review and enhance our approach in the coming years.

Provide support to colleagues and partners to implement our ED&I strategy.

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Through our working party and development of our strategy we have introduced initiatives such as inclusive training workshops, disability seminars and unconscious bias training. ED&I is now a key topic within our manager masterclass training. Each quarter we now set an ED&I focus and provide support and resources to educate and increase awareness to our employees. We are now confident that ED&I is a key focus for the business and we have committed to ED&I targets moving forward.

Increase the percentage of employees who identify as ethnically diverse in the apprenticeship population to 12.5% by 2025

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This is a new target set for FY23

2022 - 10.67%

Increase the percentage of females in the graduate intake to 40% by 2025

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This is a new target set for FY23

2022 - 28.57%

Increase the percentage of females in the senior manager population to 28% by 2025

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This is a new target set for FY23

2022 - 25.41%

Through these plans – combined with the colleague engagement strategy – Redrow is striving to reduce colleague turnover to 15% or less (on going)

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In FY22 19.4% of employees left the business through voluntary attrition. Whilst this is higher than we would like, we do recognise that we are in a highly competitive market with a skill sector shortage. We also appreciate that this figure has been influenced by our strategic decision to reduce activities in our London division.

2018 - 19%

2019 - 17.8%

2020 - 17.2%

2021 - 14.3%

2022 - 19.4%

Inspiring the next generation to build

Objectives Targets Progress Narrative

Work with education partners
Collaborate with education partners to positively impact people and communities

Work with divisions to develop a Redrow education engagement plan to proactively engage with education institutions across the UK (on going)

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An education engagement plan is in place across the business enabling strategic engagement with educational institutions UK-wide. Our model is based on putting our trained ambassadors into schools to interact with students. Following the pandemic, we are refreshing our model to explore and review current delivery options, i.e., virtual delivery. We intend to upskill our ambassadors in these new delivery methods and engage with schools to offer alternative solutions.

Positively impact on Redrow's communities

Develop guidelines and policies for charitable giving.

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We have been working on a revised and updated approach on this following an extensive engagement piece of work with our employees. In the new financial year, we will launch our new approach to charitable giving.

Volunteering – for the calendar year 2022 we have set a challenge of achieving a total of 1,000 volunteering days.

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In 2022 we have given all our employees the opportunity to have 2 days per year volunteering. This can range from getting involved in large scale projects, to carrying out individual volunteering activities within local communities.

Life chances
Create life chances

Working with partnerships, develop programmes to highlight and support ways for people to access opportunities in education, Redrow and the wider industry.

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Working both on our own and in collaboration with the Housebuilding Skills Partnership we have developed interventions and programmes to enable harder-to-reach groups to enter the business

Working with Nottingham Trent university we will be launching the Redrow Architectural Design Built Environment Student Rise fund, and The Redrow Progression Rise Fund.

This collaboration between Nottingham Trent University and Redrow will support the objectives of both establishments who are wholly committed to providing excellent opportunities for social and economic progression within early careers in the construction industry.

The former will provide eligible students, access to a bursary of £300-£500 to enable them take up unpaid work experience or access a Placement Bursary and the latter fund will provide support to eligible students each year to support them through the interview process and pre-employment expenses.

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Building responsibly
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Thriving communities
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Valuing people
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