Our business strategy is shaped by the issues that matter to our stakeholders
During 2022 we undertook a materiality assessment to identify our key environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues and gather insights from stakeholders on these issues. From this process we identified the most material issues to our business and are now working with colleagues across the company to evolve our sustainability and business strategy taking into account these material issues.
ReadWe asked our key stakeholders what their priority concerns are and incorporated their responses into our plans. These issues now form the basis of our business strategy and can be seen in our three themes of Building Responsibly, Thriving Communities and Valuing People. Ongoing consultation with our key stakeholders is planned to ensure changing needs are incorporated into our approach.
Mitigate for effects of climate change and flood risk on our developments.
Read how we are doing thisMitigate for effects of climate change and flood risk on our developments.
See how this informs our strategyMitigate for effects of climate change, and flood risk on our developments.
Read how this affects our strategyShare value through our supply chain and the communities in which we build.
Find out how we are doing thisMitigate for effects of climate change, and flood risk on our developments.
Find out how this informs our strategyMitigate for effects of climate change, and flood risk on our developments.
Read how we are doing thisShare value through our supply chain and the communities in which we build.
Find out how this informs our strategyWe actively seek to promote sustainable business practices to our stakeholders at all stages of the property life-cycle. We achieve this through our operations, procurement practices, sales strategies and by collaborating with industry bodies. We are actively involved with the Supply Chain Sustainability School and have hosted a number breakfast briefings for sub-contractors. We also support our subcontractors through other means, such as installing Health Kiosks on our construction sites for them to undertake health checks. We work with a variety of key stakeholders including local authorities, urban designers and health practitioners. Supporting our customers in the property journey is important to us, and our Redrow TV online portal for customers includes video demonstrations on how to use sustainability features in homes. We communicate with our customers in a variety of ways, including nature workshops, which help customers learn more about making pollinator friendly gardens. Additionally, we actively engage our customers with sustainability issues through the use of our social media channels. Redrow's Sustainable Living Guide, designed for our customers, contains useful guidance on how homeowners can live in a sustainable manner and reduce their impact on the environment.